
Statement of Values

  • ANUK completely opposes violence, terrorism and criminal activity as a means to achieve our political aims.
  • We acknowledge the right of all people, religions, races and cultures to live free from fear, oppression, exploitation and foreign domination. 
  • We will use political non-violent means to achieve our goals, in every case striving to educate rather than offend the communities in which we operate. We reject the simple psychology of reactionary politics as a recruitment tool.
  • We will only use force in self-defence. 
  • We will use the tools of education, community activism and example to gain public support.

Mission Statement

1. To support the creation of an autonomous and self-determinate State.

2. To end non-White immigration in Britain.

3. To support and protect the rights of all workers from capitalist and communist manipulation & exploitation.

4. To act by legal political means to lobby for the interests of the White working class.

5. To oppose the growing oppression of Whites and the working class by both national and international governmental agencies.

6. To advocate for, and protect the rights of those persecuted for defending the interests of their race and/or nation.

7. To promote by every means possible, media, music, literature and activities that strengthen cultural awareness among the European community.

8. To oppose and eradicate the criminal & deviant element currently existing within the pro-White movement which hinders the Folkish aims of our cause.

9. To promote White owned businesses, land ownership projects and other outlets to ensure our economic and social freedom as a people for future generations.

10. To assist comrades in their personal, spiritual, economic and social advancement.